
Showing posts from January, 2017

Top Ten Tips for Safer Sailing

These are things we learned, often the hard way, on three Atlantic crossings and many more offshore passages. What things have you learned that can help others sail long distances safely? 1. The No.1 rule of sailing: STAY ON THE BOAT! Having a healthy dose of fear of falling overboard can save your life. Remember: 'One hand for the boat, One for yourself.'

Top Ten Tips for Safer Anchoring

by Daria Blackwell, co-author of Happy Hooking. The Art of Anchoring.  We're starting the year with a new summary from our book with our top ten tips for anchoring safely. Do you have any tips to share with us? 1. Select your spot carefully. Do not anchor on a steeply sloping bottom, on a lee shore, or in close proximity to other vessels. Follow the lead of other vessels in the anchorage for method of anchoring (one anchor, how much scope, etc.).